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Inspiration and information for mental, spiritual, and physical wellness...Now Available!
Content, Consistent, and Conformed
Do you feel like you can use a little boost to take the next step on your Christian journey? Or perhaps you want to create a better habit of reading the Bible, but aren’t sure where to start. Look no further! This book is a collection of devotionals written to inspire, encourage, and help you grow stronger in your faith. Each devotional directs you to pray, read specific Bible passages, and practically apply the Word to your life. Arranged according to various topics and seasons, these passages are designed to engage you at any stage in your walk with the Lord. Whether you’re a skeptic, a jaded church-goer, or a mature Christian, there is something in this book for you! After reading each passage, the goal is for you to become more and more content with who you are and Whose you are, consistent in your behaviors, and conformed to the image of Jesus.

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